With their knowledge and many years of experience, the consultants and advisors at the Network Systems Development Academy work for your success. We help both franchisors and franchisees.

Consultancy and franchise model

Which growth model to choose? A classic franchise, an agency system or perhaps a partnership? After auditing the company, we will develop the optimum model for the organisation and the activities to be carried out. We will take into account all aspects - financial, organisational, territorial. We will analyse the market environment, competitors' activities, legal regulations and future prospects. On this basis, we will define a strategy for the development of the network and present a plan for the necessary actions.

We advise not only companies that are just planning to develop through franchising. Our clients include many companies that have been developing in this model for years. However, a properly run franchise must evolve with the market as a whole. So if you feel that the system implemented in your company can and should be improved - come to us.

Entrepreneurs who intend to buy a franchise licence are also welcome to come for a consultation. We will not make the decision for you, but we will help you understand all aspects of franchising, analyse the documents and advise you.

Franchise implementation and system management

Consulting is just one element of our offer. We are the only company in Poland to move from words to deeds - we implement and manage franchise systems on behalf of our partners. Implementation consists of building an appropriate organisational structure, developing dependencies, identifying possible problems and schemes for solving and preventing them. We will train employees, help to find franchisees.

We can also take over the overall or temporary management of the franchise system - both in a small company where there is not yet room for a franchise department, and in a large company which finds it easier to outsource this service. For this purpose, we set up an 'external franchise department' and take full responsibility for its proper and effective operation.

External franchise department

One of the most important tasks when building and managing a franchise system is recruiting the right franchisees. How to do it? First of all, you need to develop a comprehensive marketing dossier containing everything a candidate should and wants to know about your franchise offering. Then you need to prepare recruitment materials and procedures and find channels to reach the optimal franchisee candidates. Of course, you do not have to do this personally. We have a lot of experience in this area, which, combined with the support of the Franczyza&Biznes magazine published by ARSS and the specialised knowledge portal franchiseawpolsce.pl, ensures high effectiveness of the activities carried out.

Franchise agreement and operations manual

"We will download from the internet", "I have the template here", "Just translate". - these are not good answers to the question of where the franchise agreement comes from. It is a document that fairly and precisely describes the franchise cooperation model, safeguarding the interests of both parties to it. There is therefore no single template for it, it is not enough to copy it from another system or from abroad. The franchise agreement should be simply constructed, taking into account the specific nature of the business run by the franchisor, legal, organisational and territorial conditions.

The operations manual, on the other hand, provides a detailed description of the franchisor's business system and the methods necessary to run it. It covers issues such as the equipment of the franchise outlet, operating procedures, customer service standards or employee duties. Our specialists create and consult both types of the aforementioned documents.

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The magazine is available on newsstands and in newsagents.

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Portal on the franchise market in Poland.

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