About the company


Andrzej Krawczyk

Graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, where he defended his master's thesis on the development of franchising in Poland. He also completed specialist courses in franchising run by Professor Martin Mendelsohn at Middlesex University Business School in London.

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Since 2006, he has been a partner at the Academy of Network Systems Development. From 2000 to 2006, he was founder and head of the franchise consultancy department at PROFIT system. Prior to that, he worked at Coopers & Lybrand as a consultant and then as an associate at the international law firm Weil, Gotshal & Manges. From 2000 to 2001, he worked as a senior lawyer for the Elektrim group. In the period from 2001 to 2007, he supervised the legal services of the telecommunications companies of the Vivendi group in Poland. In this capacity, he was responsible for providing legal services for the restructuring of the Elektrim Telekomunikacja group in Poland, including, inter alia, mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions with a value exceeding EUR 400 million. In the period from 2005 to 2007, he was actively involved in a dispute concerning 48% of Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa. For many years he was also Franchise Director at Grene, a company that develops a franchised chain of technical agricultural supply shops. Following the merger of Grene with Kramp, he worked on the launch of the franchise offering in Western and Central European countries.

Andrew Krawczyk's professional practice to date primarily includes:

  • Comprehensive franchising, agency and distribution consultancy including the development of a franchise system development strategy and complete franchise offer documentation,
  • Building and managing franchise networks in Poland as well as in foreign markets,
  • Legal advice and negotiation in franchising and private equity/venture capital transactions,
  • Legal advice and negotiation of commercial leases,
  • Leading and supervising restructuring processes and resolving ownership disputes,
  • Legal advice and negotiation in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions,Advising on the legal aspects of information technology and, in particular, drafting and reviewing implementation agreements,
  • Advising on intellectual property, in particular the preparation and review of licence agreements and copyright transfer agreements,
  • Legal services to Polish and foreign business entities in the field of civil law, business law and corporate advice.

Andrzej Krawczyk represents Poland in Euro Franchise Lawyers - a prestigious organisation of European lawyers, specialists in franchising. For many years he has been listed as a franchise expert published in The International Who's Who of Franchise Lawyers. Member of the Programme Board of the International Journal of Franchising Law. Author of the chapter on Poland in The International Encyclopedia of Franchising Law and in Franchising Global Guide, the book "How to franchise in Poland" and numerous articles on franchising, company law and e-commerce issues published in Polish and foreign magazines.

Marta Krawczyk

Graduate of the Faculty of Polish Studies at the University of Warsaw. She started her professional path at Orange, in the indirect sales department and for the next 7 years her career developed in sales. Since 2010, she has been associated with the Academy of Network Systems Development.

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She started as Sales and Marketing Director, where she was in charge of customer acquisition, but also the preparation of offers and, subsequently, the development of franchise offer documentation. As Publishing Director, she has been involved in the creation and publication of Franchise&Business magazine since its inception. Since 2017, she has been Editor-in-Chief of the magazine.

Marta Krawczyk's professional practice to date primarily includes:

  • building the marketing strategy of franchise networks,
  • developing marketing materials to recruit franchisees,
  • PR activities to publicise franchise offers, organise or outsource advertising campaigns,
  • sale of advertising space,
  • editing of Franchise&Business magazine,
  • franchising, agency and distribution consultancy including the development of a franchise system development strategy and a complete
  • documentation of the franchise offer,
  • managing franchise networks.

Privately a mother of two, her interests include football, fitness and travel. Enthusiast of a healthy lifestyle.

What do we do?

Our range of services is broad and covers virtually all aspects of franchising. If your company is looking to launch a franchise system - get in touch with us. We will check whether it will be sensible and profitable. We will indicate the most effective form of developing a franchise system, prepare financial analyses, an operations manual and a franchise agreement. We will conduct a recruitment campaign to attract franchisees and promote your franchise offer. What's more - you can outsource the comprehensive management of your franchise network to us - so you don't need to create a new department within your structures.

If you already have a franchise system in place, you can have us audit it. If there is room for improvement, we will do it.

Or maybe you are an entrepreneur who is wondering whether to buy a franchise licence, whether a franchise agreement is beneficial and whether it will pay off for you? Come in for a consultation - we will advise you. Sincerely, honestly and professionally.

clients we have worked with

  • I recommend ARSS as a proven and reliable provider of consulting services.

    Mirosław Lubarski
    Member of the Board of PSB Mrówka
    Working with Ms Marta Krawczyk was a pleasure and her approach was very professional and to the point.
    Joanna Ambroziak
    President of the Management Board of Ambroziak Clinic
    The ARSS team is a rare combination of extensive knowledge, experience and a great sense of humour.
    Leszek Niewiedziała
    Franchise Manager GRENE
  • I am pleased to recommend the use of the franchise advisory team led by Andrew Krawczyk.

    Anna Krajewska
    CEO Salad Story
    We can recommend the services of ARSS with full responsibility. It is a reliable and trustworthy partner.
    Przemysław Dubiec
    Dyrektor Generalny American Trading Company
    The services provided by ARSS were delivered in a timely and very professional manner.

    Andrzej Osika
    Member of the Management Board of Marketing Investment Group
  • Thanks to your experience and support, we have taken a major step forward in professionalising our franchise model.

    Tomasz Wienke
    MAJSTER Construction ABC
    I can recommend this team as individuals who are superbly knowledgeable and deeply committed to their tasks.
    Ryszard Kiewrel
    Head of Partner Offices Bank BPH S.A.
    The service provided to us by ARSS was characterised by a deep understanding of our company's specific industry and knowledge of franchising.
    Artur Mikołajko
    President of the Management Board of INTERSPORT Polska
Polecam ARSS jako sprawdzonego i rzetelnego dostawcę usług konsultingowych.
Mirosław Lubarski
Członek Zarządu PSB Mrówka
Praca z Panią Martą Krawczyk była czystą przyjemnością a jej podejście do tematu bardzo profesjonalne i rzeczowe.
Joanna Ambroziak
Prezes Zarządu Klinika Ambroziak
Zespół ARSS to rzadkie połączenie szerokiej wiedzy, doświadczenia i dużego poczucia humoru.
Anna Krajewska
Prezes Zarządu Salad Story
Z pełną odpowiedzialnością możemy polecić usługi ARSS. Jest to partner rzetelny i godny zaufania.
Przemysław Dubiec
Dyrektor Generalny American Trading Company
Usługi realizowane przez ARSS wykonane zostały terminowo i bardzo profesjonalnie.
Andrzej Osika
Członek Zarządu Marketing Investment Group
Dzięki Państwa doświadczeniu i wsparciu zrobiliśmy duży krok do przodu w profesjonalizacji naszego modelu franczyzowego.
Tomasz Wienke
Mogę polecić ten zespół jako osoby doskonale przygotowane merytorycznie i głęboko zaangażowane w realizację powierzonych im zadań.
Ryszard Kiewrel
Dyrektor ds. Placówek Partnerskich Bank BPH S.A.
Usługi świadczone na naszą rzecz przez ARSS charakteryzowały się głębokim zrozumieniem specyfiki branżowej naszej firmy i wiedzą na temat franczyzy.
Artur Mikołajko
Prezes Zarządu INTERSPORT Polska
Zespół ARSS to rzadkie połączenie szerokiej wiedzy, doświadczenia i dużego poczucia humoru.
Leszek Niewiedziała
Kierownik Działu Franczyzy GRENE

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